Wish I had that Taco | Teen Ink

Wish I had that Taco

April 8, 2013
By nugnug BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
nugnug BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

Friedrich Nietzsch

Damn was what I thought to myself “should have stayed home” was what I would have said if my tonsils weren't inflated like balloons. It was a Friday and we all know how fun they are. It had been 2 weeks since I been in good health. The school had gotten more annoying with there pestering home phone calls to see why I absent,eventually I got fed up with it and saw there point I had missed nearly the whole 2 weeks being sick although I did show up a good 30% of those 2 weeks. On Friday however 1st period was hell fainting on the floor wouldn’t be a exaggeration of my condition luckily my first period teacher was OK with me drinking beverages in class although it was against the rule but seeing me walk like zombie I wouldn’t mind breaking a little rule either after all I felt like a corpse. So turns out there is a project do in a couple of days and my group excluded me from any work upon seeing me,which I didn’t mind but it was a bad omen what regular group of high school teens put more work on there lap for no reason apparent reason.

That’s when one of the girls handed me a compact mirror I looked like I just gotten out of a coffin. After 1st I was going to be sent home but if you knew my mother you had a better chance of winning a lottery then her being on time. I waited for at least 3 hours until she showed she bought me a burger and fries which were almost impossible to eat but I couldn’t blame her for not know what was wrong she took me to the clinic twice and nothing but antibiotics plus the little macho act I had going on seemed to be working.

That afternoon my mom made one of my favorite meals a taco. Now I know what your thinking a taco...OK but you have not have had a taco until you had a home made taco by a Latino ,so a bit n to the taco only to start coking on it my tonsil were so inflated it made the passing of oxygen painful but that was my taco and I was gonna eat it. Try as I might I did not succeed, I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t mange but what surprised me were the tears flowing down my cheeks. I sat there frustrated not know what was wrong after hours of refusing to go to the hospital I went only to nearly collapse in the emergency room. They got me in quick checked everything and had the nerve to ask if Id taken any drugs which I hadn’t. A hour later and In still on the bed then I see my mom crying but at that point I’m comforting her. I was naive to think everything was OK they weighed me before I lost 20 pound in almost a weeks time doing nothing something was wrong I just couldn’t admit it to myself. That night they transferred me to children hospital on sunset. I enjoyed at least 3 days of TV cafeteria food and a single room until one day my doctor told me I had cancer at that moment my mind traveled all my memories of the last couple of weeks until I reached the present seconds never felt so eternal I wish I had finished that taco because after chemotherapy I would never enjoy food again but to be honest after that brief conversation with my new doctor I would never be the same again because at that moment something inside of me died.

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