Scavenger Hunt | Teen Ink

Scavenger Hunt

May 29, 2013
By Ackbob BRONZE, Sweet Home, Oregon
Ackbob BRONZE, Sweet Home, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything has a right to grow.

I enter late into a scavenger hunt teamed up with my friend, Jarid; We quickly raced ahead of three other participants, one of which didn’t even get a picture of a human; study hall ends and we are feeling like we’ll win this thing; Mrs. Almeida warns us we have until the end of break to find the last few items, or we don’t win anything; we look at the list: bee, fruit, fern; we knew right where we could find them all, so we sprinted to Mr. Snow’s room and took a picture of the slain bee; we then raided rooms and fridges in search of fruit, which we found in the fourth fridge we scavenged; we had less than two minutes left to find the illusive fern, so we marched our way all around the school, even in the offices- because Sankey Park was way too far to make it back in time- but we found every plant in existence, BUT a fern, which was very disappointing; The bell rang, so we parted ways and slugged our shame to class; as I took my sear, I looked outside the window at a beautiful, healthy fern in the corner of the breezeway garden, hidden by the pole and the door.

The author's comments:
What inspired me about this story was probably mainly how it happened to me the day I wrote it.

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