"If you can dream it, you can do it." | Teen Ink

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

June 17, 2013
By chelsea_xoxo117 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
chelsea_xoxo117 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Through out my year as an eighth grade writer, I have felt myself as leap boundaries from the first day of school all the way to the last. It all started out walking into my writing workshop class with a pen in my hand ready to write. I approached my first writing task with nervousness and uncertainty. The work and requirements were 100 times harder then what I was given in the seventh grade. Although I wanted to do well and prove to myself that I could overcome this obstacle, my motive for writing was always in the way.

When I had come across the first few writing pieces such as the Why I Write, Six Word Memoir, and the Take A Stand, I was never confident with the work I would end up submitting. I was just writing to get the work done and over with. Never did I ever take my time and put as much compassion and detail into the pieces. After a few months of writing because of being told to do so, I realized that my writing could have so much potential if I just took my time to make it great.

Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” I never really understood what that meant until it applied to me. Walt Disney is trying to convey that if you believe and have the confidence in what you are doing, you can achieve any thing you put your mind too. Once I applied this method to my writing, I had noticed drastic changes.

More towards the end of the year, I learned about ellipses, whispering parentheses, show don’t tell, etc. Through out the year, I also learned about the six concepts. (Identity, Power, Change, Ethics, Awareness, Perspective) So, I had started wanting my writing to be better and had a more positive attitude when coming across a new writing piece. When I was given the Frederick Douglass and Change in Time pieces, I started doing more work on my own and putting an immense more amount of effort into them.

I had finally put Walt Disney’s quote to good use. This helped me build my confidence and believe in myself. For example, for my Change In Time piece, I had told myself that I would make it the best it could possibly be. I spent multiple days working on it. In the end, I was immensely proud and confident with the detailed piece I ended up submitting.

In summary, my writing has improved drastically. have changed as a writer for the better of me. Walt’s saying has helped me learn that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. From now on that will always be in the back of my mind, guiding me to success.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my growth as a writer from the beginning of the year all the way to the end. It includes the obstacles I overcame when learning to become a better writer and the accomplishments I made as well.

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