Believing in This | Teen Ink

Believing in This

June 17, 2013
By c_dawg74 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
c_dawg74 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Dig a little deeper. Think of something.”
-Winnie the Pooh, from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

When I first discovered this quote, I immediately knew I had to use it. I This quote means to just hang in there when you encounter writer’s block or an obstacle, because eventually you will think of an ingenious solution to solve your problem. It also means that everyone – including you – has the ability to always think of an answer to improve or solve a problem. By just digging a little deeper, anyone can go beyond the seed!

I also almost fainted when I read this. This one quote said by Winnie the Pooh explains every writing piece I have completed this year. I always had trouble coming up with ideas. But I held in there, and eventually I came up with the perfect line or idea to overcome that obstacle. I did dig a little deeper, and I did think of something when I had to.

“Alright everyone! Get your computers and bring up your Why I Write piece. I will hand out your corrected rough drafts with the rubrics. Get to work!” Mrs. Carvajal explained. Everyone immediately ran over to the computer cart in the corner of the room, and started distributing the apple laptops. I went over to get my laptop.

When I got back to my seat, after logging into my account, I plugged in my flash drive and brought up my Why I Write piece. I began to type, but all my other classmates were fooling around. Everyone was talking about sports and how we do not have enough time to complete this project, and it was stunting my ability to work. But I hung in there. I dug a little deeper in my mind, and thought of something. I ended up completing my entire Why I Write piece that period.

It’s the middle of the year. The MCA room is completely quiet. Only the murmur of other students in the media center could be heard, accompanied by the click of keys by my own classmates around me. We had just started typing our Frederick Douglass Experience piece, and I was stuck. My name, date, and title were the only thing typed on my paper. I dug deeper in my mind to try to think of what to type next. Soon after, I was on my way to an A+.

Everyone was fooling around. Some of my own classmates were arguing of whether or not it was their fault that we have more chips in our basket than period eight. All the other children were either typing or just talking with each other about various topics. I had to finish this piece and get ready for one of my peers to check it. I was almost done. The piece that you are reading now was just finished by me, and in my opinion, seems pretty good. How do you think I did?

The author's comments:
When I first started writing this piece, I admit it was pretty boring. But as I started getting near the end of this piece, I realized that I really truly have improved as a writer this year. This essay explains my progress with a quote.

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