At the bottom of the bottle | Teen Ink

At the bottom of the bottle

July 5, 2013
By Anonymous

I talk to you, but you don’t listen. I need my mom, but she’s not here. She stand right beside me, yet she isn’t the same. After a few cans your gone. You talk to me. I just nod and walk away. I don’t want to be around this person. I want to be around my mom. The person I can ask to do something and in the morning she remembers. The person who I can laugh with and tells me goodnight. The person I love. But you seem to be relying on alcohol more and more. You say you’re happy but why do you keep drinking. Is there something you’re seeking that you can only find at the bottom of the bottle? Do you keep searching only to come up empty and having to try again. After a certain time I know that there’s no talking to you. I have no mother anymore until the sun comes up in the morning. But then the cycle starts again. I only wish I knew how to help you.

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