Broken Trust | Teen Ink

Broken Trust

July 26, 2013
By Anonymous

I used to be the type of person to tell everything to everyone. How was I to know that people would tell my secrets or betray me? If someone is my "best friend" they won't do anything, right? Well, this is my personal experience and one you should learn on about how I lost my best friend.

It all happened about two months ago. Imagine a perfect day. In our lunch period everything was fine and we laughed and did what we usually did. After school, my two closest friends and I decided to go to the park. It seemed like an ideal plan. So when I got there, I saw this one guy I've liked for so many years! I've just never had the nerve to go up to him. My best friend (let's call her Nancy) arrives and keeps looking at him.
I tell her, " What's wrong? Why are you looking at him?"
"Nothing. I'm just looking," she replied suspiciously. So I ignore all of that.

The next day, someone tells me that they're going out. I couldn't believe it so I asked her and she said its true. They've been going out for a month. I burst into tears. I got depression, anxiety, anxiety attacks, and started going back to bad habits like my eating disorder. It was tough to hear that she backstabbed me and used me only to get the guy she liked. I felt worthless, unwanted, and used. I didn't have any close friends because they all thought I was overreacting. I was truly alone, everyone went to Nancy. I tried to overdose myself by taking 10 pills, but it didn't work. All my secrets were out, she told everyone! There was no other option but to stay strong.

It would make my enemies (like Nancy) stronger to see me in the bottom. So I finished school with straight A's, fixed myself not for anyone else but for me, and met new friends. Of course, with all this experience, I have to be careful who I trust. You see, trust is like a stick, once it's broken it can't be fixed. If you were me, would you give Nancy a second chance?

The author's comments:
You never know who your friends are so keep your eyes open and never let your gaurd down.

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