why me? | Teen Ink

why me?

September 7, 2013
By indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
for every action there is an oppisite reaction

I ask my self this question time and time again why me.It doesn't matter where I go or how I act I am always the chosen one.Not many people realize how much harm a few cruel word can cause. I've always been bullied my whole life.In elementary I was bullied by the principals son no one would do anything about it.The teachers and administration refused to help in fear of the principal and all the kids followed him because he was their leader.I cannot tell you how many times i have locked myself in the bathroom and cried.Lunch was the worse I would sit at an empty table no one would even aknowledge me.I remember thinking how cool it would be to have friends as I would gaze at the tables that were clustered with giggling girls.In recess they would make fun of my skin,step on my laces and occasionally push me off the playground equipment.My parents never knew about the torture i went through in school.I was only 5 but i knew how to act.The moment the bell rang I would plaster a smile on my face and act enthusiastic about school.The minute I came home I would drown myself in studying and books.The only good thing about school were my grades they were always high.After i finished studying I would go straight to bed.The bed was my oasis I would cry myself to sleep every night and ask why I was placed on this world.In third grade a new girl came to school I immeadietly made friends with her.A week later she came to school and began taunting me along with the other kids.I was shocked after that day I stopped trying to make friends with people instead I made friends with books.I would read 2-3 books a day to keep my mind of the bullies.My teachers would always complain to my Parents that I read too much.In the middle of fifth grade a girl finally stood up for me her name was Kelly.she walked toward the bully and looked him in the and asked him what I did wrong. His face fell and he began to stammer.I am so grateful to that Kelly she taught me to stand up for myself.The next day Kelly talked to me and we became quick friends.For the rest of the year she stood up to me,but good things dont last long soon it was time for us to go to middle school kelly and I went to different middle schools.In Middle school I was still bullied but it was way less severe and I really didn,t care.Girls spread rumors about me ,but I had friends.One time a girl called me a slut and we got into a big fight,but luckily we didn't get in trouble.In 7th grade someone hacked into my instragram and began cyberbullying me.She changed my profile pic and name to innapropriate things.For the whole next month whenever I walked through the halls i would hear people snickering about me.It was horrible and demeaning.I switched to a different middle school this year and I'm in 8th grade,so far no one has been mean to me but, you never know.

The author's comments:
my heart told me to

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 16 2013 at 6:45 pm
indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
for every action there is an oppisite reaction

comment on this article this poor girl needs help