March 3rd | Teen Ink

March 3rd

September 5, 2013
By josiedaily BRONZE, Batesville, Indiana
josiedaily BRONZE, Batesville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you trip in life, make it part of your dance"

March 3rd. My nephew was born and entered into this world. We knew from the start, he was not going to be a small baby, and we were right. I found out Alysha was pregnant was before Erikas (my other sister’s) wedding. We just went and picked up our dresses from the seamstress. My mom and Alysha rode in one vehicle, and then Erika and I rode in another. Erika jokes around with me all of the time, so when she said, “So, Josie. You know Alysha is pregnant right?” I didn’t believe her at all. But she just kept at it. I hoped she wasn’t because it would change her life. I wasn’t ready to see my immature sister turn into a mature one. I was just hoping it wouldn’t change her a lot. But, being her younger sister, I couldn’t tell her that. Of course, its going to affect me, because I’m the baby of the family. Now someone is going to take my place?! I didn’t like the idea of it. So, I just believed her after she kept saying it was true.
We got to the hall where the wedding was and Alysha told me everything. I was happy for her. I was also shocked. I mean, I guess, it will be fun to have another kid running around. But, it is Erikas big day, so we didn’t want to tell people there, but Erika insisted to tell family. I also thought it wasn’t the best idea, but if Erika says its okay, then it’s okay. I would have to say that was probably the longest 9 months, well 7. I didn’t know until she was about 2 months along.
Today is the big day. I had to go to school, so my mom, step-dad, and soon to be brother-in-law all went to the hospital that morning. In mid-day they broke her water. It was a long day for all of us but, especially Alysha. When I got out of school my step-dad came got me and took me to the hospital. I was hoping she was moving fast so I didn’t have to wait as long as I did. We got there around 4 o’clock. Long evening of just sitting there in the waiting room watching iCarly and the news. Dustin’s mom, and sister were there with us. Then soon after my Aunts came. They rushed to the delivery room when they got there. They were all in the room when the doctor came and said that she had to start to push. Usually, you are only aloud to have 1 or 2 people in there with you, but my sister got lucky. She had five people in there, they had to hurry and get the baby out. They had no time to get out. Alysha says she was super glad to have them in there because they were a lot of help. About 20 minutes later, the baby music goes off in the hospital and then we knew she had him. The doctor came out and said, “You guys can all go see her.” We all go, and we see Dusty. Dustin David Scudder Jr. 10bls 1oz. No wonder she was as big as a balloon! Yes, I still get a little jealous cause of him, but I mean c’mon who wouldn’t? Today he is 2 years old and Alysha is pregnant with her second child. And I am glad to call him my nephew and her my sister.

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