Tractor | Teen Ink


September 5, 2013
By liam ludwig BRONZE, Batesville, Indiana
liam ludwig BRONZE, Batesville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My personal narrative is about the time I learned how to drive my Dads tractor. I first learned how to drive a tractor when I was 10, it was really scary, and my dad said that some day, I would have to learn anyways. The tractor was a John Deere 5020 and it even had a loader. The tractor isn’t really tall (so it’s very easy to drive), now, but it seemed even bigger when I was 10. It doesn’t go that fast though. This tractor is our main tractor and it gets used for everything.
One day my dad and I were going to the other field to irrigate the crops in order to keep them alive so that we could pay the tractor off. Well, when we were crossing the creek, I had the one tractor and my dad had the other really big tractor. My dad stopped in the creek to put the tractor into a lower gear and I went to stomp on the breaks and my foot slipped and the tractor ran into the other tractor, before I could lower the forks to help slow me down. My dad wasn’t very happy at all, but he under stood because I was just learning how to drive the tractor. Luckily, nothing broke and dad trusted me to keep driving the tractor again. Then the next day, dad wanted me to hook the tractor up to the rotor tiller to go and till the field so that it could be planted. While I tilled the ground (in the very hot sun) the rotor tiller stopped working and then I smelled some thing burning and I couldn’t figure out what it was then, I realized that one of the u-joints was out on the power take off shaft was melted and was not reparable. So the next day dad and I went to Batesville Farm and Tractor to get a new PTO shaft. It was really hard to get the one that had melted off because it had not cooled off yet.
So when it cooled off dad had me get the hammer out of the shop and we tried to knock it off, but we couldn’t so we used the torch and cut it off being careful because the oil that is back there could catch fire and then we would have a very big explosion and it would be a waste of money and time. When we finally got it back together we fueled up the tractor and went straight back to work so we could get the plants in the ground and make a big profit from the veggies that we grew there. Today I drive the tractor all the time now.

The author's comments:
This really did happen and nobody was harmed.

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