My Secret, but Not-So-Secret, Diary | Teen Ink

My Secret, but Not-So-Secret, Diary

December 24, 2013
By Anonymous

I’ve been writing for a while, it’s always been something I liked. I was also one of those girls who every night would write in their diary. Sometimes it was useless stuff about my day sometimes it was about life choices or things that deeply affected me. It was my doodling place, my outlet for ideas. I wrote almost everyday for 4 years. But one day in grade 6, something changed. I got this deep sense my mom was reading it. I freaked out and tore up the pages and cried. My mom got so worried. She refused to rest until I told what my secret diary was about. She constantly thought I was hiding a double life, a drug deal, a boyfriend, basically anything she thought would be considered private or secret. It has been two years since that happened. My mother has regained trust in me. But yet I feel empty. How I long to write again. But I just cant, always in the back of my mind is the truth, diaries are made for parents to read. They are a gateway to our lives and deepest secrets. I miss my emotional outlet. But you know anyone can sacrifice stuff for privacy. But in all seriousness would you risk it? Diary or no diary?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 29 2013 at 9:16 pm
readlovewrite SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
7 articles 1 photo 58 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be quick to listen, and slow to speak, and even slower to judge."

Diary. But I wouldn't call it that, somehow for me it is  just an outlet.  Sure, I wouldn't want my parents to read it, but just to have it on paper is a way for it to be out there.  (For ME) After the initial anger if someone read from it without my permision, it would just be a fact, and a break in my trust.  I love this piece.  The ending especially, because you reach out and ask what readers think.