My Inner Government | Teen Ink

My Inner Government

December 12, 2013
By Anonymous

I always thought I was a freak because I had multiple voices kind of swirling around in my head. I've heard them since a young age and yet when it seemed like they died down a new voice would join the chaos. I suppose it isn't always chaotic, in fact it's actually pretty organized, they all have different approaches to situations and help me make decisions. It's kind of like a diplomacy for my brain, and often times it's listening to them bicker with each other and make some stupid comment. They're like a family even though they're really just extended branches of my self tree, and introductions are in order I would suppose.

The first and therefore oldest voice is probably knowledge, whereas I'm seventeen, that would make him...fourteen. For as long as I can remember knowledge was always there since I was never much of a social kid. At the front of my brain he sat always getting me high marks on my work and helping stay on top of my studies, though as the others kind of came into play he was slowly brought back. Still I know he's there ready to help me out if I ever need it or if I get bored enough and start randomly looking up theories.

As for who the others are I suppose the next oldest would be rage, another product of being anti social. I had always been very calm and I suppose it was the bottled up anger that caused rage to be created, a sort of outlet that would reside in my mind. Of course rage has a mouth on him and he isn't afraid to give his frank opinion...usually with a swear or two hundred thrown in but he actually helps when it comes to being rational. He also has no regards for others safety, often hoping they would all get hurt or even worse just randomly kick the bucket...with a knife as he would say. He has a brother in crime if you could call it that and the third oldest "child".

Darkness...not as open about his anger but more malicious and more...twisted I suppose. Along with rage came the unexpected joy with the violence and next thing I knew I could whispers of the eternally damned in my head. When it comes to anything involving the death of another do not let darkness near them because they will be asking for a quicker death. Darkness is a torturer, he will just giggle with glee at the thought of making people suffer, a real messed up dude but despite the obvious flaws he's actually quite a gentleman. Still the others aren't as fond to him as rage is, I swear if the two mixed and took over...shudder.

A couple years after those two came a voice of reason, a voice of tranquility who could calm down mighty beasts with reason. Serenity made my life a whole lot easier when he taught me to just relax and chill a little. Whenever I got really riled he always spoke with a such a level head I could not help but calm down. He made my head a safer place to travel into once more since he had power over rage and darkness, which allowed knowledge to come in and put them down as well, and those paved way for my last two residents.

After serenity and I was able to chill, I began noticing the female gender more closely. It brought a bit of...fluttering and I couldn't understand what was going on though knowledge solved the mystery real I became do much different from when I was an angry child, I became softer, more articulate, I had this vocabulary that could roll off my tongue and manipulate people. I had control and it was electric, I could gain the attention from them and it just fueled a certain voice even more.

My newest and most recent voice would probably have to be the one thing I never had growing up, a childhood. All the hype, all the insanity, all the activity of being a normal kid was wasted on me growing up. When it erupted it became it's own sort of person I suppose and it was just so sudden, I find him to be scared of the others due to his young age and he always wants a peaceful solution...even when a less than peaceful situation came up. It's actually nice having him around always hearing how he feels on something even if just to wonder if this actually how I would've responded to something when I was a child.

So yeah it get's a little chaotic in my mind but to be honest I like the feeling of having multiple points of view. I used to think I was a freak, now I just feel powerful knowing I got six other people behind my back.

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