Monologue About Parents | Teen Ink

Monologue About Parents

January 13, 2014
By hpstar BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
hpstar BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You died yesterday. Who do you think they are?! You torment me with hateful words my entire life, you bombard me with facts about how unattractive and crazy I am, then you die on me! How thoughtless of you (not that I expect anything else from you.) You left me with problems. You left me on my own to deal with the process of getting new parents! Why would you do this to me?! I've known that you don't care for me, but you're also responsible for me! Now I've got interviewers and shrinks knocking down my new orphanage door, forcing me into, "loss of loved ones" sessions. Come on! Loved ones? I don't really think I ever loved you guys, nor did you ever love me. But now people are trying to get me to live with Mamita! I don't want to live with her! Ella es un loco abuela; ella es demasiado Hispano! I just don't know what to do now and it's all your fault! Because I think I may have loved you, which complicates things even more! Because I know you didn't love me! Because I know I don't want new parents! Because a crazy mom and a drinking paramore dad is what I'm used to! Now I have to move schools. Now I have to live with different people all the time. Now, I am truly alone, truly helpless, truly hopeless. Just like you always told me I am.

The author's comments:
Try using this one for an audition if you don't require published. It's a great dramatic monologue inspired by my feelings about my life from two years ago.

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