Running Heart | Teen Ink

Running Heart

January 13, 2014
By Anonymous

I take a step out onto the track and I feel the cold breeze against my face. The clear blue sky felt perfect for a race day. I looked down at my new cheetah spikes, and they felt perfect on the track. I knew today would be a good day. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and get in the starting position. I feel my heart beating fast. I look up at the starter who raises his gun. "On your mark, Get Set, GO!" BOOM! I hear the gun go off and I took off like I was shot out of a cannon. I felt like I was Usain Bolt, sprinting down the track with all eyes on me. As I was running, I was breathing heavily, moving my arms, and thinking over and over, "just two laps." As focus my eyes up at the runner in front of me, I see she is a runner from Prospect. She was the-typical-Prospect-track-girl-runner, long blonde hair, tall, tan, and skinny. She was in her light blue Prospect uniform and seeing her in front of me put a switch in my mind. "I will not let her beat me." As I have 200 meters left, I can hear my coach screaming from across the field to start sprinting. I look down at my cheetah spikes for a split second and I take off after the Prospect girl. I am running as fast as possible, and I felt like I forgot what it felt like to breathe. Finally, I cross the finish line just seconds ahead of the Prospect girl. My goal was complete, and I was ecstatic.

Running is my passion. From 20 minute runs to 80 minute runs, I always find the satisfaction of a good run in me. Running is my passion. I have been running since I was in the sixth grade, and I have always liked it because I felt good. Running is my passion. I like to run because it is a challenge. People ask everyday, "How do you run?" or they say, "I could never run 3 miles in 20 minutes." Hearing those words makes me feel fantastic because I know I can do something a majority of the school cant. Running is my passion. It helps me feel healthy, keeps me stress-free, and it helps me clear my mind. If I am ever having a bad day, going for a run is what I look forward to the most. It lets me think about all my thoughts, and by the end of the run, I will always feel better. Physically and Emotionally. Running is my passion.

As I was catching up on my breath, my coach came darting at me screaming, "KRUPA! YOU BROKE YOUR PERSONAL RECORD!" I was frantic with joy. I knew today would be an amazing race day. Beating a runner from a rivalry school and getting a best time is what I call success. What more could I ask for?

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