Confessions of an Indian Teenager. | Teen Ink

Confessions of an Indian Teenager.

January 16, 2014
By StarShineGirl BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
StarShineGirl BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you have never been hurt, live life like it is heaven on earth!

Hi, I m a teenager living in India who has suffered a lot. I m going to tell 1 incident that affected me the most. It was pretty disturbing for a 13 year old child. Actually it happened on 19th December 2012 when I was 12. My aunt( I call her mousi) is a mental patient. She suffers from Bipolar Disease. It is a disease in which a person thinks too much of themselves. She was not taking her meds properly for about 2 months, and she was speaking nonsense. I did not mind much as my mom had just got me the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, and I was happily playing with it. It so happened that the madness became too much and she started beating up my grandmom. We have a 3 storey home and me and my mom lived on the 2nd floor. My mom said that we should go upstairs as watching all that is going to have a bad effect on my mind. I went with her. after some time my grand mom came to our doorstep and asked us to give her shelter or my mousi would kill her. We said ok. After about 10 minutes my mousi came and started banging on the door. I was pretty scared. We did not open the door at first but after some time of banging my mother opened the door. She went inside and sat on our bed. My mother asked her to go and forcefully pushed her out. I said we should call the mental hospital to take her, but they did not listen. After about an hour we sent my grandmom downstairs. At about 11 at night, Me and my mum went to the bathroom. My mousi was standing there, looking at the mirror crying. My mother asked her to go downstairs and sleep with my grandmum. She said no. We went back to our room and finally went to a disturbing sleep. At about 11:30, my mum shouted 'Rinku'(my mousi's name)grabbed my hand and we ran down on the ground floor. There she was; lying in a pool of blood, many neighbours surrounding her body. I shouted 'mousi'. She had a grand jump from the fourth floor. My mother was crying while shouting that she is dead. Due to the courtesy of some neighbours, my grandmom took her to the hospital. For many days, she fought the battle for life, and at last she won! After months now, she is recovering, had 3 operations for her leg. Now she is absolutely fine, 1 operation is left, and then she would be back to normal! I mean there are small problems about which we worry about which is no match for something I saw. I hope you liked it. Hopefully I will write more about other things that happened in my life as they are very interesting.

The author's comments:
I just wanted to share my problems with someone so that my heart feels fine.:)

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This article has 1 comment.

happydays said...
on Oct. 22 2017 at 7:18 am
Hey, hi! I hope you are doing fine. And I hope you're mousi is feeling better. Life can get nasty sometimes, I know, but you've got courage to come here and talk about it. All the best girl.
Have a good day/night. Love you. : )