Home Sweet Home | Teen Ink

Home Sweet Home

February 27, 2014
By dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
dubstep_vdubs21 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Moving is a tough thing to do, but it is like a new beginning. It gave me a heads up for what moving in the future would be like, like when I go to college and when I get married. The most important event in my life was when I moved. Moving out can be a challenge though, some of the reasons why moving was such a struggle for me was because it took a lot of hard work, it was stressful at times, and I didn’t get much sleep either. My family had to put forth the effort if we wanted to get it accomplished as soon as possible. Also it was definitely a journey with all the trips we made and the amount of sleep my family had gotten that month. Some important objectives after moving in include dealing with the new road signs, designing my room, and meeting the new neighbors.

Getting comfortable with my new house was the most important objective in moving. Adjusting to the route and road signs were tricky because we had to pay attention more carefully to them. The traffic is also busier than at the other house. We wanted to get familiar with the roads as soon as possible so we could less likely to get into a crash. It wasn't that hard getting used to the roads because we kept on going back and forth from house to house. This was another important role in moving which involved expressing my personality, choosing a color splash, and finding a new design for my room.
Figuring out the design of my new room was another objective. It says a lot about a person, like my personality. The color of my room didn't necessarily have to be my favorite color, but that’s what ended up happening. A bonus about switching houses was designing my new room. Which I enjoyed so much. There were very little options in such a small room. While designing my room I decorated it however I had wanted. Not only was decorating my room important, but my neighbors are important too.
The least important objective in moving was meeting my new neighbors. We didn’t know who they were. My neighbor that lives next to me, Joanne, she is the best neighbor I could ever ask for. She is amazing not just because her and I have a lot in common, like making cards, but she is so caring. There are not many neighbors like Joanne, she is one of a kind to me. She is not just a neighbor but a best friend. Meeting my neighbors had some positive and negative changes in moving.
Moving was like a new beginning to me. Some important obstacles and or pleasures about moving was the location, my room, and meeting my neighbors. Moving can be a little rough at times, or it can be a fun journey. It all depends on your attitude towards moving. Occasionally, I picture still living in the old house and how drastically life would have changed if I hadn’t moved. Moving is an entirely new beginning, and it was a little tough getting used to. Some interesting things I learned about my journey to a new home was that it definitely took a lot of hard work. Its very time consuming, but it was well worth it. In the end, the outcome turned out great! The house that we moved into is no longer a house, but instead a place we now call home sweet home.

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