Love in the City | Teen Ink

Love in the City

March 16, 2014
By lexi baylor SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
lexi baylor SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Where to?” said the cabdriver out of the corner of his mouth while a cigarette accompanied the other. “Third Ave. please” Carrie grabbed the door behind her and slammed it while the cab driver spurted off.

The streets of New York yelled with impatience. Cabs covered every street from Central Park all the way to Lower Manhattan. Today was the special day. The city was filled with lovers holding hands and couples exchanging gifts, florist shops had lines that went out the door, coffee shops were packed, fancy restaurants were all booked. It was that time of the year again. Carrie was staring outside the windows of the cab noticing everything going on around her. She sighed and turned her attention to the other side of the window. “What’s wrong sweetheart? Not feeling the love today?” snickered the driver while lighting another cigarette. Carrie rolled her eyes secretly at him. There was stop and go traffic. Car horns were repeating each other and there was no break in between them. People shouted across the street. Bicyclist swerved in and out of traffic. On the opposite side of the cab from where Carrie had been siting, the door opened abruptly. A young gentleman climbed in. “7th street and step on it.”

“Excuse me” Carrie blurted. “I was here first.”

“I’m sorry Miss but there are no other cabs available.” As he said this, the man took off his hat and glasses. Carrie looked over then looked away quickly hoping he wouldn’t notice the first glance. But she took a second look. He also snuck in a glimpse at her.

“Oh my God” they said in unison.

“Ryan... you’ New York...”

“Carrie!” “Where has the time gone?” “I know it feels as if just last week we were attending our senior prom together.”

The cab driver turned up the radio a little louder and zoned out of the conversation, it was probably for the best.

“Man Carrie, I thought if we ever saw each other again, you’d be slapping me across the face.”

“No not this time Ryan, I’m way too dolled up right now to be fighting.” She said this in a sarcastic way and finished it off with a giggle.
“Man I miss that laugh.”

Carrie tried to change the topic quickly before he began reminiscing.

“Where ya headed?” Ryan said while making himself comfortable in the cab.

“To a party.” “You know, just because were in a cab together talking doesn’t mean I forgive you for breaking up with me 2 months before our wedding.”

“You make me sound so evil; you know my mom was sick, I couldn’t be away from her.” “I’m sorry, if I could change that day I would, you know how I feel about you.”

Carrie stared at her feet the whole time, trying to avoid eye contact, but as soon as she knew he was looking away, she looked through her bangs hanging over her eyes at him and smiled.

The cabs and cars around the two started moving faster and gaining speed, so did their conversation. They talked for the whole 46 minutes they were in that cab, and whether they admit it or not, they both enjoyed being with another again. They laughed, and reminisced at old times with each other. Carrie even got chocked up a couple times talking about the past.

“Here we are Third ave.” Carrie handed the driver a 20$ and stepped out of the car, as the taxi pulled away there was not just one, but two people standing in front of that apartment were the party was being held. They grabbed each other’s arms, as if they were walking into a grand ball. Together they walked in. The cab driver, pulling away, adjusted his rear view mirror and watched the two. He chuckled, lit another cigarette, and said “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

The author's comments:
I love new york.

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