my annoying sister | Teen Ink

my annoying sister

April 9, 2014
By PetersBae23 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
PetersBae23 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My first little sister is the most annoying person in this world. She always tries to boss us around. Also she is always getting in trouble at school by getting into fights. My mom and grandma are always yelling at her but she always ignores them, rolls her eyes, and talks back to them. It gets me upset because she gets away with everything.
She is always getting into fights at school over stupid stuff. My mom and grandma are always yelling at her because of the fights she gets into and because she is always talking back. Even with them yelling at her it doesn’t do anything because she never learns. She always goes around the house yelling to and it annoys everyone. It gets me upset because they don’t do anything about what she does. They just yell at her but yelling at her isn’t going to do anything. There is too much yelling going on in the house.
She always messes with my other little sister. She hits her and is always talking about her swaying she looks ugly and things like that. I’m sure my little sister gets hurt by her talking about her but can’t do anything because she is smaller than her. Them two are always fighting in the house for no reason. That is the story of how my sister is annoying.

The author's comments:
its about my annoying sister

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on Apr. 30 2014 at 8:55 am
Pinhead_Larry BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Are you gonna listen to a big dumby or are you gonna listen to me?&quot;<br /> -Patrick Star
