The Day I Met Her | Teen Ink

The Day I Met Her

April 30, 2014
By B...U... BRONZE, Hemet, California
B...U... BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

Last June on the 29th , 2013 late afternoon at my friends 15th birthday party I met this amazingly stunning , mouth dropping , gorgeous girl with the most beautiful smile and eyes there is . I asked my friends , “ who’s that girl? “ they responded with the name “ Melanie “ I thought to myself if I should of gone and flirted or not . Me the , shy guy I am , was too scared to go until she sat next to me and asked “ what’s your Instagram username? “ I simply replied , “ B underscore , R underscore … until she got my username and began to follow me .

We sat there for awhile the sun has already set and she randomly asked me if I would join her to go touch a horse that was there , of course I went with her and I told her as we approached the horse , “ Don’t touch its butt it’ll kick you ! “ She didn’t hear me and I grabbed her as quick as I could when the horse bucked . I guess you can call me her hero haha .

After that we all were dancing until I left home . That night I couldn’t her off my mind! Her beautiful self was stuck in my head . The next day I messaged her , the same awkward conversation teenagers have for the first time . I would message her everyday but the one thing I didn’t know was that she had recently been in a relationship so she didn’t want anything to do with relationships . I still wouldn’t stop though , we’d message each other and she’d always walk me to my 4th period because she has first lunch and I have second . One Thursday I gave her a kiss I’ll never forget in my life . I was in Spanish class replaying that kiss in my head over and over and over ! My heart was pounding , butterflies in my stomach , I felt limitless ! The next Friday we went to our schools football game . I sat with her and talked then I came up with the question , “ Will you be my girlfriend ? “ she responded with a yes then quickly took it back saying no because she was “dating” some famous singer . She said she was kidding and said “ yes of course ! “ She loves messing with me !
Ever since she came into my life since before the night of February 13 , 2013 she has made my life better . She brings the greatness out of me , I might be young but I know she will be my future wife . The day I met my amazingly stunning , smart , beautiful , funny , sweet , and ect. girlfriend on June 29 , 2013 was amazing . It will never be forgotten , it’ll remain in my heart for as long as I live .

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