Teen Love and its killer | Teen Ink

Teen Love and its killer

April 30, 2014
By Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

LOVE, a simple four letter word which is the centre of our universe, the nucleus to our atom, some would even say the reason of our existence! LOVE is everyone’s desire and nobody really despises it but are we glorifying it to an unachievable level where everything to attain it leaves us in disappointment?
As I look at my YouTube feed now-a- days, prom proposals are more than a common occurrence. Having been part of a generation who grew up watching Romantic Comedies, my heart does melt while watching the creativity of these “proposals” but it also leaves me wondering, are we overdoing it? We are part of a time where confessing love or feeling it isn’t enough. It has to be done in a way which is extravagant and heartwarming, calling into question whether we “love” being in love or just the feeling of being “loved”. Whether we ask someone to prom because we want to share this special occasion together or because not going to prom with a date could be frowned upon.
Love is as simple as being there for someone through everything whether it be your worst moment or your best. The person you love should be the person you stay connected with emotionally and intellectually or just a person you enjoy being with (at least that’s what I think it is). As the long search for the meaning of love goes on, I think we are all hooked to the side effects of love rather than enjoying the intimacy of being in love. Whether it is the Adam Sandler movies or the “just couple things” or whatever else, being in love and getting physical is bang in there in pop culture and has become a trend rather than a feeling. The bar for love has gone up so high that you expect to “fall” in love rather than just feel a connection and want to never leave his/her sight rather than just enjoying the people. LOVE is not like the movies where everything falls into place but a constant work In progress and I think the sheer feeling of it not falling into place has left countless teenagers including me wondering if what I feel is true love or just the need to be loved by others to validate myself. As I continue to try to comprehend love, I hope that I find the Cinderella to my Prince Charming, but I do realize as long as we get along, Anastasia would do.

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