Uninvited Guests | Teen Ink

Uninvited Guests

May 22, 2014
By Sparkle James-Lewis BRONZE, Hanover Park, Illinois
Sparkle James-Lewis BRONZE, Hanover Park, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His heart was pounding.
He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn.
“Who could this be? What could it be? An uninvited guest it seems to me!”
As the doorknob continued to slowly turn, his eyes searched frantically for something to hit this uninvited guest of his.
The uninvited guest made its way slowly down the stairs, the stairs made not one creaky sound, as the uninvited guest made its way down.
The boy had given up looking for a place to hide and something to hit the uninvited guest with, and just stood there.
He just stood there, facing his fear of what could be coming down those basement stairs. Slowly the uninvited guest made it down the stairs, finally he made it to the last step and the boy could see, a small shadow. A silhouette. A very small silhouette with something, something wagging in the air.
The boy slowly reached up for the string hanging above his head, and then CLICK! The light popped on and at the bottom of the stairs was his little kitten he had just received for his birthday.
And…and… his MOTHER!

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