Mother's Everlasting Love | Teen Ink

Mother's Everlasting Love

May 27, 2014
By Jordan Burchfield BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
Jordan Burchfield BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What kind of mother are you?

You are and always were, the type of mother who understands us as we do not speak. When we were in discomfort, you're gentile arms were open to hold us. You look into our eyes and see tomorrow, the future of our lives which would be an endless road to nowhere without a mother like you to guide us. Watching our every move as we were babies. As we fell down, you did not pick us back up, you wanted us to become brave, to get up on our own and walk again. You molded us from boys, into young men and men. All that we are, and all that we are to become, we owe to you mom. Fierce, fearless, flawless, independent, amazing, beautiful, one of a kind, irreplaceable. As I grow older, I understand the world more, but that does not mean that I can take it on by myself, I need you. I need a woman like you in my life to show me how the world is. Mom, as we all know, the world is a gigantic piece of art, and to it, you could be considered as "just a person", but to me, you are the world. Thinking of the fact that I have the honor to grow up with a mother as lovely as you really bothers me, because I feel like it isn't fair to the other kids around the world. God has given my brothers and I, the best woman in the world, as a mother, a friend, and a role model. You've always been the one mom. When I was ill, you stayed up late, constantly checking up on me. When I was bored, you played things with me that you didn't like, but you enjoyed it, because that's just the type of mother you've always been. You always made things work with me. When I cried, you put your shoulder out it cry on. When I did not see, you showed me. You were always there for me mom, and I couldn't be happier with anyone else as my mother. I remember when we moved into the apartment on Taylor, 1 bedroom, and we loved it. So many memories for me at that very apartment; me thinking that my two lousy older brothers wanted to all sleep on the floor next to each other a "guys night," and waking up to nail polish on me! Or when Uncle Ralph would let me come over to hunt for "treasures" in his apartment. See it's the small things that make life so special. Memories mom, you've given me so many.

At the age that I am at, I realize things that happens between our family. When we struggle, you do all that you can to pick us back up. No matter how hard the job, my mother does it, and does it with pride and joy. Sometimes, when I hear you crying, and you tell me the reason is because, you think you aren't a good mom. That you could've done better, that you regret do many things, and I wonder why. I disagree with those statements every time. I think about them all the time mom. I think to myself, that you're a perfect mom to Jimmy, to Justin, and to me; and no matter what happens with us, you'd still be the same. I love you not only because you are my mother and since I'm obligated to do so, that isn't the case. I love you because of the things you've done for us, for the world, for God. You sacrifice your life for me mom. Putting my each and every need before your own. Making hard times comfortable. Pulling together the little money for more important things to give my brothers and I a great Christmas. I couldn't be more thankful for all that you've given me. Working extra hours on your feet, and you come home exhausted. I don't get it, no one should be able to do that same routine over and over again, but then I think, you're a superhero. You are my everything. You are my all. You are my safety. You are, the greatest gift of all. A mother like you should be honored, people should stand at our door and one by one, show their gratitude toward you for all that you've done. Your love never ends mom. I couldn't ask for a more delightful, powerful, lovely, beautiful, kind, angelic, mother like the mother I have. I am truly blessed to have you in my life, Lord knows where I'd be without you. I love you mom.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece of writing for my mom as a Mother's Day gift. She doesn't really accept presents for that occasion very often, but I figured that she needed to hear how amazing she is. She is my inspiration for everything in my life, she is my everything. I hope that after reading my piece, that people will simply know that being a mother is the hardest job with no pay, 24/7 shifts, yet is the most rewarding for them. Learn to appreciate your mother for everything that she does, because you only get one. Look back to when you were younger, who was there for you through it all? I think we all know that answer. Support your superhero mom!

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