Short Short Story | Teen Ink

Short Short Story

June 5, 2014
By Shiga BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Shiga BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He couldn’t help but read the highlighted comment on the side of his document, “Your works cited page needs to be in the actual document.” Somehow the words danced past his eyes, into his mind, and back out again. He wrote his citations, all at once, and on his own sheet of paper. He turned it in, with the slightest of grins. The teacher graded it and returned the score sheet.

Out loud he exclaimed, “Hey, I gave you my works cited page.” Truth it may be, but his document lacked that one little page. He lost his points because that comment went into his brain and back out again.

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