The Creatures | Teen Ink

The Creatures

June 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Okay... here it goes...

I found out about these creatures a few days ago. Ever since then, I haven’t slept without every single light on in my own house. I’ll explain. My name is Rob. I live in my own house in New York, which is not bad, even though my house is right next to a railroad and a train comes by every day or so. I’ll get right to the point.

These creatures are no taller than a toddler. They are made, or seem to be made up of a black shadowy void. Except for their eyes. The eyes are like the eyes of a cat. They glint in any light they are in. Except, there are no pupils, or irises, or any of that. Just the glint. They have no distinguishable features, just a head, arms, legs, and a torso. You can sometimes see some mist around them, but not all the time. They can appear and disappear just by going in and out of your field of vision.

Trust me when I say, at one point, a creature has been in your home. In the middle of the night, when all the lights are off all through your home. Whether you’re awake or not. They can come in any way they choose, whether they come in through the window, or the door, or even a drawer or cabinet. When they are in your home, the can do whatever they choose. They can walk about, touch and fiddle with your things, or just stare at you. Whenever it’s the middle of the night and your still awake, and you hear floorboard creaking, or a door opening or closing, or even machinery turning on or off mysteriously, then you know that one of them was at your house at that time.

The reason that I know all this is because I saw one. One night, I was having a nightmare. I dreamt that I was running, afraid. I was then picked up by a giant figure. I didn’t see what it was. All I saw was a great big set of sharp teeth. Dangling in the air by my leg, it chomped down on my head, and I woke up. I jerked a little bit, but did not open my eyes. I thought that I could fall back asleep, but at that time, I heard a creek of the floorboard at the foot of my bed. I thought it was the house settling, and did not pay much attention to it. Then I heard another creaking of the floorboards, but it was closer to the foot of my bed.

I finally decided to open my eyes. I scanned the dark room to see if anything or anyone was in my room. It was known that my house had a rat infestation problem, so I would every so often find one running across the floor or in one of my cabinets. I did not see or hear anything else, so I adjusted my pillows and laid back down so I could fall back to sleep. I then felt the house shake a little bit. The shaking got more intense as I heard a horn of a train. I became irritated, as I could not go to sleep as long as the train noisily passed by. So I got comfortable and prepared to see the light come through the window.

That’s when it happened. It was all so fast; about a half a second. Just when the front of the train goes right past my window and the light from the headlights flood my room, I see a black silhouette with eyes that shown in the flashing light right at the foot of my bed, staring right at me. It was over quicker than it started. The room went pitch black, and so did the creatures eyes, since there was no light to reflect off it. I was shaken, and it didn’t help that an entire train was zooming along my house, shaking the foundation and filling the room with the rumbling noises. Even after the train went by, I stayed wide awake, keeping my eyes at the foot of my bed.

In the morning, daylight slowly filled the room. Nothing was in the room other than me. I inspected the entire room, but all that I found was a dead rat. What I found really spooky was that its head was viciously ripped off, almost like it was bitten off. The head was nowhere to be found.

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