Deer Hunting | Teen Ink

Deer Hunting

October 31, 2014
By kasdenbeal BRONZE, Beals, Maine
kasdenbeal BRONZE, Beals, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Deer hunting is a great way to enjoy yourself in the fall. It’s challenging and exciting. It can even become a lifestyle for certain people. Deer hunting is more than just the actual hunting, there’s more that goes into it. This fall I’m already very busy preparing for deer season, and it’s still a few weeks away.

It started three years ago for me. I wanted to hunt deer on Beals Island but I didn’t have a license. Getting a license meant taking a useless course because the State of Maine is a joke. It is called a Hunter’s Safety course because apparently the state can teach you better than your parents can. The course makes no sense. Not to mention that it is very expensive. And boring. And a waste of time. Regardless, I passed easily, and I had already invested way more money than any deer I get might be worth.

I did not get a deer that year. I couldn’t even get a buck on my trail cameras. That was 2012. I wasn’t too upset because I figured I would get more prepared for the next year.

I made several improvements to my strategy for the 2013 hunting season. I got another tree stand, a better gun, and better hunting gear that would keep me warmer. I also switched trail camera manufacturers from Wildgame Innovations to Moultrie. Moultrie has proved to be much better. Another strategy I implemented was using apples before hunting season to see exactly what deer were in an area. At one point my friend Sterling and I filled my truck bed with apples. Also by this time I had sunk at least $1000 in deer hunting for the reward of no deer. And frostbite.

I did not get a deer last year either. Despite all the time and money invested, I saw less deer while I was in my stand than I did the year before. However, I think I know my mistake. I was dissatisfied with the location of my stand and wound up moving it early during hunting season. Deer don’t like change, and a new tree stand next to their trail probably scared them off.

Now my tree stands are in locations where they have been for over a year. I’ve cleared better trails and cut away branches and small trees so I can see more from my stands. A good Moultrie trail cam sits under each stand, and several buckets of apples are in place. I’ve already got a few good pictures of bucks in the area, so I know I’m in good spots. This is my third year of hunting, and hopefully the third time will be the charm.

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