Why I'm Proud to Be an American | Teen Ink

Why I'm Proud to Be an American

November 7, 2014
By RunnerUp747 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
RunnerUp747 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Overthinking killed my happiness.
Insecurities killed my self-esteem.
Lies killed my trust.

I remember the first football game I ever saw. It was a beautiful day at Lambeau field, and the Vikings were down 21 points. The Packers were easily packing away the vikings and sending them back to Minnesota, and as the Vikings quarterback threw the ball for a touchdown, it was INTERCEPTED! Donald Driver has the ball and is running it in! An 80 yard touchdown!

I am so proud to be an American right now, So proud that my favorite football team is winning. I am happier than a kid in a candy store. I am just proud that in this great country, we can do almost whatever we want, using our freedom of speech, and our pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. I am happiest, However, about the fact that the packers team is owned not by one man, but by the city of green bay.

Everyone is happy, yet no one is happier than me. The score is now 27-0. And now for the field goal, and it’s good! 28-0 Packers! Today has me over the moon. I’m so happy, so proud that my dad could take me to this game. I’m happy to finally learn all about the real world, to finally start growing up. I wanted to be just like my dad,and I could start by watching football. This is why I’m proud to be an american, just like my dad.

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