High School Can Be a Brutal Time | Teen Ink

High School Can Be a Brutal Time

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

   High school can be a brutal time.  A situation at the end of my sophomore year that left me devastated. I was bullied by LeAnna.

   LeAnna and I met in middle and that's when we beacame friends. We stayed friends for a while until last year. LeAnna is one of those girls that think you can be friends until you really get to know her. She's loud and stubborn about things and always wants everything her way and at that moment. LeAnna makes it a point that she doesn't like you and will tell you off whenever she wants too, that's not right. Also her personality is bad. Even though she starts a lot of fights/ arguments she never fights back. She always talks with words to hurt others and never finishes what she starts. One day during lunch in the cafereria my friends and i sat down and were talking and eating. LeAnna sits down and is talking to her friend and at one point during lunch she thought i said something about her which i didn't. After school that day in hallway 200 i saw LeAnna and she came up to me and told me that she heard me talking about her. I told her that i wasn't adn did at all. While she was walking away, I told her that she needs to come to me for the truth instead of listening to the lies from other people. Days after the situation happened she started to tell me that im inconsiderate and i'm never there for her when she needed me but I always putting others before myself. Also she told me that i'm rude, obnoxius, and no one likes you. The fact that LeAnna told me all of these things is what she exactly is because i'm not that type of person. Even LeAnna saild "keep the friends you have because you'll need them". I have friends that i need and trust to keep close to me.

    Every night I would go home and cry mysef to sleep until all the stress was all gone. Another issuse that she told me was that I talk about people behind their backs, when in reality LeAnna has that problem and is always doing it even til this day now. With her talking to me, she got her sister and friend invoved and they would text me rude, ignornat messages that don't even matter to me becasue I never talked to them once. I never knew people could be so judgmental. I told my mom about the situaion when it first started, also told my best friend Demi because i can trust her and she understands everything. Every day i would go to school and put a smile on my face, but on the inside i was breaking down. Just hearing all the words that she told me, it hurts people and knowing that i din't do one thing to her, people shouldn't have to go through this. I thought she was my friend until she changed and was going against me on things telling lies about  me. I won't make the same mistake twice or ever again wiht her or anyone else. I'm a stronger person today then I was last year, I won;t let anyhthing hurt me or tear me down again beacuse I'm not playing around wiht people at all.

    Even though people choose to pick on each other and make unneccssary reason on why to start bullyinh, it's not a smart idea. I learned to become a smarter person today, move on and keep my true friends with me. not everyone you can trust.

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