Ever Changing Eyes | Teen Ink

Ever Changing Eyes

December 18, 2014
By Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Courtneyellen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue eyes, a family full of blue eyes. Eyes that look as if the ocean inside, waves crashing into the shore bringing attention to their perfection. The closer you get to the center, the sweeter and more innocent the color gets. But on the outside, dark and mysterious. But me, my eyes are hazel. Almost as if they are unsure of their identity, but beautifully decided at the same time.
In the summer as the sun beats down, my eyes shimmer a color much like a lime, bright but a little bitter from the lack of relaxation. My eyes aren’t simple, they are complex and colorful dependent on the mood. In the winter a grey, and the spring a light blue. Always changing from time to time. The one thing that stays constant is the brown circle outlining my pupil. A pretty brown ring, making my eyes always unique but always mine. They may change colors, but they stay true to themselves. My eyes are unique, my eyes are me.

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What do your eyes say about you?

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