The Bugline Trail | Teen Ink

The Bugline Trail

January 15, 2015
By Jerzeygirl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jerzeygirl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A fabulous way to spend a summer day in Waukesha County is on the Bugline Trail. Whether it is walking down to the Bark River to throw bread crumbs to the ducks, or biking for miles until you get tired and need to turn around, the Bugline Trail is full of natural beauty, and feels like it is never ending. Around every corner is somewhere new to explore.
  Walking down the pebble/dirt path of the Bugline Trail, I’m able to soak up the warm sunlight and enjoy the scenery as my dog sniffs everything in sight. We walk and walk, stopping at the benches periodically along the way. His tiny legs take him as far as he will go, until it is time to turn around and head home.
The sun goes down and the mosquitoes come out. We hurry are way home, relieved to escape the nasty bugs. As I rest at home the only thing I can think about is going back to the Bugline Trail tomorrow.
Burning hot days in the summer are a perfect time to bike the Bugline Trail down to Menomonee beach and go for a swim, then hop back on our bikes and air dry as we pedal home.
The Bugline Trail is an adventurous and exciting place to be and I can’t imagine what it would be like if the Bugline Trail was not on Waukesha County.

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