Log One Hundred-One | Teen Ink

Log One Hundred-One

January 17, 2015
By Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"May I die before what's mine is yours"

To be completely honest, I’ve known this one for quite some time. Reasons as to why I’ve yet to relay, evade me, besides laziness, of course. Let’s call this one “The Law of Planes”.

I divide the people into one’s and two’s, A’s and B’s (“Maka, that’s not how you should use apostrophes”-Silence, these are my words and I am to use them as I please). The mind of one A operates with maximum efficiency as it thinks in only one direction, on a single plane. Since it can only think forward, it is forced to organize and prioritize it’s thoughts and determine when and how to consider. I have met many an A’s.
B’s, however, struggle for success and focus as their minds are enigmatic complexities of an infinite amount of planes;thinking forwards, backwards, upside-down, left-to-right, right-to-left, and at 360 diagonals. For a B ,like thyself, to think on a secular dimension, one concept at a time, is not a mere difficulty:It is a certain impossibility.
Well, there you have it folks-my reasoning for not having completed my English homework.

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