Music. The Way We Live. | Teen Ink

Music. The Way We Live.

January 29, 2015
By Hannah Hunt BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
Hannah Hunt BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Music is the way we breathe, the way we move, the way we think.

I’ve always been a huge fan of a large variety of genres of music. They all have their unique ways of making us feel a certain way.  Music has made me feel hate, sadness, laughter, and many more emotions, but the genre that makes me the happiest is Alternative.

As a little girl I would ride with my brothers around town with their windows down listening to the most amazing songs by artists such as the Postal Service, Vampire Weekend, The Miniature Tigers, and many more. Like most younger siblings I wanted to be just like my older brothers. I would always steal their mixes that their friends would make them and play them on my Hello Kitty boom box so I could have an awesome taste of music like I always thought my brothers had. I never could get enough of this genre, and as I grew older and older, I realized that this was the type of music that captured my heart and soul.

Alternative music makes me happier than most things in life. It has created some of the best friendships I’ve ever had and has made me fall hopelessly in love with so many people. Once you find someone who really understands the essence and message of the music, you can relate to them on so many levels. They know how each song makes you feel and how the sounds and vibrations run through your veins either causing you to cry, dance, or just sit there and think about life. When those people are absent, a certain song or band comes on that you two shared an interest in causing you to be overwhelmed with emotion and nostalgia. When the sound of Vampire Weekend comes over my headphones, I miss Ben and all the springtime car rides that we would have jamming to them. I miss Bradley and how he held my hand whenever Tobias Jesso Jr. comes on. Music makes me feel a plethora of emotions, some good and some bad, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.  I find that love and friendship would be nonexistent without music.

Without music there would be no love, no amazing friendships, no saving grace. The world would be nothing without music. It has helped me through my darkest days and helped me embrace my brightest ones. It has made me fall in love too many times to count. It has built the strongest friendships that I will ever know. Music makes you dance, makes you smile, makes you act like a wild Buffoon and sometimes makes you shed tear after tear. Music is alive, and it will be my best companion until the end of time. Without music I would be a nonexistent being on this place we call earth.

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