Log Ninety-Seven | Teen Ink

Log Ninety-Seven

February 12, 2015
By Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"May I die before what's mine is yours"

Log Ninety-seven: Ex-cel-lent
May I lay out for you the most stable of my philosophies?
First and foremost, is the Law of Premise-one such theory that is in direct relation to “Is Is”. In a relatively simple fashion, the Law of Premise claims that all elements of reality are just as positive and good as they are negative and bad. Exemplary, is the human race: As one person succeeds in area A and fails in area B, another fails in area B and succeeds in area A, creating an equal existence of the two being.
Secondly, the Law of Duality-something best explained by example. Illustrate oneself in a room of many lives and thinking “No one is thinking what I’m thinking”. This particular law states that for every one person’s thought, is another’s exact replica. So as one silently mutters “No one is thinking what I’m thinking”, another being manages the same thought.
I pinch my fingers on the opposite ends of the chain, forming a “V” with the plastic canary in a metal cage drawing the vertex. As I pull my right hand up, my left hold is drawn towards the pendant and vice versa. Gravity is a rudimentary element of physics, to the consistent placement of the caged bird, yet I wonder if one could formulate a philosophical theory as pulling on either side of the chain warrants no effect on the center weight. I think I might be trying too hard.

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