Our Romance Story | Teen Ink

Our Romance Story

March 12, 2015
By leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
'what goes around comes around"

Okay so the first week of school, he had a girlfriend and i had a boyfriend. One day I walk into breakfast sit down with my bestfriend I see a really cute guy; and so I ask my bestfriend does she know him and thank god she did she told me his Daniel. From there I told her he is the cutest guy I have ever seen , she told me I should talk to him but I had a boyfriend that was kind of a jerk. We soon broke up after a few weeks though. Daniel still had a girlfriend and her name was Ciara I honestly though that she wasn't good enough for him she was very obsessive. After a few weeks they broke up but, what my bestfriend nevewr told me was he like me too. Then I became really excited, he started to ask all of my friends for my name,my kik, my instagram my number something he really liked me. We soon began to talk, one day he texted me and i said who is this. Daniel was the reply I was so scared i didnt know what to say, so i said hi. We started to get to know eachother having so much in common. He called me bae i got hype i called him bae and said whats our title he said wait before that will you be my girlfriend.

The author's comments:

best day of my life.

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