School Relationships | Teen Ink

School Relationships

March 20, 2015
By leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
'what goes around comes around"

what i don't understand is how couples can be together for a week and argue!!! I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 5 months and we've been so perfect. People say yall my relationship goal.And i think its really cute honestly, because of how much my boyfriend loves me i'm pretty sure girls be on his top. And ,because guys see how i am with my man they think i'm like that with every guy. no im sorry but this guy is so special to me. he's one of kind.He's irreplacable. The songs this boy dedicates to me are always so sweet 'and compationate. I never loved anyone as much as i love this boy.

The author's comments:

never argue with who you love to the moon and back.

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