Treasure of Waukesha County | Teen Ink

Treasure of Waukesha County

April 24, 2015
By Aaron24 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Aaron24 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you have never failed, you have never pushed yourself hard enough

Green grass.  Birds chirping. And the occasional ping of a club. This is the  Chenequa Country Club.

Chenequa Country Club is a place where you relax at the clubhouse and look out over a beautiful lake or try your luck at 18 holes of majestic beauty.

Chenequa Country Club is something I remember for its simplicity. Life’s complicated with jobs, the economy, and bills — and  I forget about the little things--but Chenequa Country Club takes all the complicated things away.
Simple is a basic word, but it means much more. Green grass with buzzing bees. Birds tending to their chirping hatchlings. The rustling of trees when the cool air glides. These are simple things heard and enjoyed at Chenequa.
At this secluded safe haven, I am taken away from my daily ordeal. I breathe in fresh summer air and have a cold beverage on the deck overlooking Beaver lake; and I relax without worry.

I remember when I played my first golf round at Chenequa--it was breath-taking. The course was maintained to a level beyond any I had seen. The greens were so soft, I wanted to sleep on them; and the views were resort-worthy. 

After my first golf round, I sat outside overlooking the lake. I saw boats towing kids with tubes, and I heard their laughter. At Chenequa, I felt joy that only reveals itself in times of great happiness. At Chenequa, I am at a sacred treasure.

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