I Am the Game Grumps (Personal Metaphor) | Teen Ink

I Am the Game Grumps (Personal Metaphor)

May 15, 2015
By DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit, watching...waiting for the bell to ring its last bell. The bell’s sound echoes throughout the halls of the extending school. As it does so, the stampede of excited teenagers charge to the doors with me following behind. As it is time, I wait for my friend to peek his head out from behind the doors to finally leave the school for a day. As we walk out, I think to myself, “This isn’t the last day, we’ll be back day after day.”

As the car is loaded up with backpacks and people, we head home out of the dangerous traffic that the school provides. “It’s strange,” I state to my friend, “There’s so much traffic yet no one ever crashes...as if people somewhat care.” What I say is casually shrugged off as we finally make it to my house. “Are you ready?” I question with excitement.

We head down the stairs to a special room and bend the couch’s seats to ourselves while we set up. We remove items from trays in order to set up our laptops. As we open them, there’s only one thing we are to do. We get together and play our fabled games, only to help ourselves.

The author's comments:

This is a personal metaphor I wrote for class.

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