Leaving Home | Teen Ink

Leaving Home

May 22, 2015
By Anonymous

My life changed in an instant when that ring was put on her finger. It was warm and there was a bit of breeze when my mom and step dad pulled up in front of my grandpas house. “we’re engaged!” my mom said when I entered the grey cold leathered seats of the Range Rover.My mom and stepdad have been together for about 9 years now, but just three years ago they tied the knot. Before this, my mom and stepdad were planning on moving in together, I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't think how hard it would be to start all over or to have to move away from my grandparents. All I knew was my mom was going to bring me no matter what and I would have to move.

I never really had a problem with my step dad or my stepbrother but I was really nervous. I mean seeing my step dad everyday instead of my grandparents, I didn't know what to think, actually I didn't think about it at all. At that time my stepbrother was about 7 years old and I knew he went to a private catholic school. My stepdad is very a very caring and wants the best for his family type of person; So I knew I was going to have to apply to catholic school, which surprisingly I was absolutely thrilled about!

By the time we had decided to apply to my stepbrothers school application deadline had almost ended. My stepdad had already talked to the principal who I would like to graciously thank for letting me have the opportunity to spend my last two years in middle school there. The principal had accepted me which actually shocked me, because it meant one step closer to moving to the big city and one step closer to starting a new life.

About a couple weeks before the school year ended I went in to get to know the teachers and the school. This school is way different than a regular public school, I thought in my head. It was way smaller, didn't have a playground for the smaller children, and the desks seemed little. I noticed that all the kids wore uniforms that look like little sailors. “I have never had a uniform” I thought in my head. This was all so new to me, but I was extremely excited but as the days past and the first day of school got closer I began to panic.

What if I don't fit in? What if I am not good enough? What if I get anxiety during school? As all these things were racing through my mind, but I had almost forgot that I was leaving my grandparents. I had lived with my grandparents practically my whole life. They raised me and have seen me grow since the day I was born.

Two weeks before school I began to panic and the feelings of leaving hit me hard. I was leaving my friends, my school, and my family. “Why now?” I asked God, “Can I stay?” “Will this really do me any good?” I had put so much in my head that eventually I had a plan. I just wouldn’t go, I would just stay with my grandparents. I would just tell my mom the week before and just stay with my grandparents and just have my mom move. “I dont want to go”, I told my grandpa and I could see the sadness in his eyes. With his sad eyes he looked at me and told me, “You are strong, and if you decide to go just always know if something doesn't work out, I am here. Also, if you're happy which you will be, then I am happy.” “Wow”, I thought, he’s right and that’s when it all changed. I have been wanting this my whole life and now i have it.

It was now a week before school and my anxiety level had gone through the roof, we had begun buying school supplies, the uniforms ,and dressers for my room.

Then the first day of school came. I had all my school supplies, tissues and everything I needed in my bag. My mom and stepdad took pictures and helped me with my bags and as they left me in line with everyone else, only a few people came up to me to say hi. I was very shy and barely spoke to anyone. As a few weeks went by, I began to feel more comfortable and began to adapt. It was hard in the beginning but what got me through it was visiting my grandparents and teachers. Luckily, my grandparents are about an hour away, but they weren't easy access like before. As time went on I began to do better and really liking the new environment. In the end I came to learn that moving wasn’t that bad, I might have over reacted, trying new things isn't bad, and to never doubt myself.

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