Beautiful End | Teen Ink

Beautiful End

May 26, 2015
By Khadija_Naveed BRONZE, Karachi, Other
Khadija_Naveed BRONZE, Karachi, Other
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is death and you only live once.

Lying on her back starring the silent sky, brighten with those tiny little sparkling stars, she was rewinding her whole 27 year’s life.

Beautiful and mesmerizing were the memories of her childhood, making sand houses and trusting them with monstrous waves that it will never get demolished. Making paper boats and trusting them with rain that it’ll never get drowned. Putting sweet tooth under pillow and trusting it with fairies. Flying paper planes and believing that they’ll fly forever. 

Never putting full stops to her imagination she grew up, from believing in fairies to making wishes at the falling stars, from paper dreams to reality, from dolls to flowers. She grew up from being an imaginative kid to immature silly girl. Things were changed but her beliefs were still the same. There are no ends to the stories with a beautiful start.

She saw her beliefs broken into pieces; she saw the end to her story whilst having the beautiful start to it.
She remembered how He came into her life and she devoted her whole being to him. She still remembers walking down the aisle in her wedding gown. She still had a feel of his touch on her skin. She still wants to feel him by her side, but life is not always a bed of roses, it’s not always as we want it to be.

He leaving her life was worst to her, she thought all was finished. She was not worth happiness…

A soft touch on her arm take her back from her thoughts to reality, looking at smiling baby girl lying beside her prove her wrong at the very moment when she was about to give up, she  was worth her whole life, she was the reason to her living and happiness. She was her belief; there are no ends to the stories with a beautiful start.

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