At a Crossroad | Teen Ink

At a Crossroad

June 4, 2015
By maddie mannix BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
maddie mannix BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently I found myself at a crossroad in life. I don’t really know what I want to do with my life after school if over and done with. The other night I thought of taking a year to travel to another country to living abroad, but then decided against it when my Mother had told me she had done the same and never went back to college.

I want to be a famous singer, but the chance of that occurring are very, very low. I feel as if I have to go to a college and study to get a degree in something I don’t feel passionate about. Yes, there is music schools but I don’t want to be a music teacher, etc. I want to sell out stadiums and sing in front of 70,000 people, but like I said before, it’s very unlikely.

Maybe going to a performing arts college is a good idea, but it isn’t what I want to do. Here is what I want to do: I want to go to another country and live there and experience what it’s like to live in another country, I want to try to get a record deal with Island Def Jam, I want to perform in front of thousands of people and make them happy through my music.

That’s what I want to do. I will go to college and still experience living in another country but I just don’t want to get a degree in something I don’t want to become. But then again I would love to be an English teacher if my dream doesn’t go as planned. I’d want to be an English teacher because of my 8th grade literacy teacher, she showed me how English class can actually be really fun.

I think now that I’ve written down how I feel about everything I  actually know what I’m going to do when I graduate High School and College. I can still follow my dream and get an education along with it. It will all, hopefully, work out.

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