The Ocean Above | Teen Ink

The Ocean Above

June 16, 2015
By Jordbaer BRONZE, Tirana, Other
Jordbaer BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do to others as you want others to do to you."

The moon was shining up above us. I roll over and look at him just staring curiously into what looks like the ocean above. I see his dazzling eyes stare into the beautiful velvet sky. I look up and see the Carlson wagon and just look at how fascinating it is. I reach for his hand and we sit there in the moonlight just staring at eachother with our hands intertwined.

I keep coming back to the thought of how perfect this is. Me and him, just sitting here enjoying freedom and life. I take a sandwich out of the basket he brought, “Mhmmmm, Its my favourite sandwich”. He knew this and he planned it so well. Although the landscape and the surroundings catch my eye for many minutes at a time my eyes always drift back to his extremely handsome face.

Now I’m laying there just staring plainly at him with awe; looking at the outline of his face his cheekbones so perfectly placed on his even more perfect face. “I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world,” is what I thought then.

He catches me glaring at his face and then he asks, “What is it?”

I find it hard to look away from him but I manage to respond, “I was just thinking of us and what It’ll be like when you go back”. When I actually thought about this, it felt like I ripped out my own heart and was just standing there full of nothing but sorrow. He grins and looks right into my eyes. I managed to force a smile for him but he notices it and says:

“I will always be with you no matter what.”

Soft salty tears begin to dribble down my face unconsciously as I start crying and quickly look away. He grabs me and tries to hold me affectionately in his muscular arms. He calms me down and leans in closer.

He whispers into my ear, “I have to go now”.

I turn around quickly and feel his hands let go of me slowly. I see his beautiful but plain green eyes one more time before he begins walking away from me. I felt like my life force had been taken away from me, like my most valuable thing in life was destroyed. I was on the verge of breaking into a tearful fit before he looks back to me and points up.

I look back down at his figure one last time and his lips spell out the words, “As long as you live on this world, we will always be together.”

I begin to cry but gather enough strength to shout out in the quiet, cold summer night one last time: “I LOVE YOU DAN!”

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