5 Senses of Corruption | Teen Ink

5 Senses of Corruption

July 6, 2015
By cylandarroll BRONZE, Walnut Creek, California
cylandarroll BRONZE, Walnut Creek, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Truth is, if it ain't real I don't feel it if it don't hit my spirit I don't get near it." - Joey Bada$$

As I walk down the street, I observe these flaws through all five senses. I see the pollution erupting out of the exhaust pipes of semi-trucks, its very presence is destructive. I feel the anxiety and animosity between neighbors, brothers, sisters, and parents through the air like a rogue airborne plague. I smell the genetically modified meats being microwaved in McDonald’s and served to thousands of little children everyday. I hear the sound of a million voices, muted from oppression. And scarily enough, I taste the lips of a girl who had always wanted to save it for marriage.

The author's comments:

Spooky huh?

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