L16gendary | Teen Ink


October 4, 2015
By LoLo1 BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
LoLo1 BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anticipation runs through our veins. It’s finally here. No more predicting or wishing, tonight’s the night we know how it feels to be at the top; at least for a little while. Music blares through the speakers, tone def singing fills the air and spontaneous dancing to the latest hits captivates each of us. This is only the beginning. Walmart is first on our agenda. We arise suspicion as fifteen teenagers scatter to the same isle. Looking at shelves of white for the cheapest of them all, Paul generously hooks us up with cases of Great Value found in the back. When checking out, we hear the faint talk of Walmart employees, “They’re gonna get someone real good”. Feeling accomplished, we race to the car. With the jeep full to compacity, we head to our first victim. One of which turned into an entire neighborhood. After strategizing, we divided and conquered. Starting at the beginning and continuing till the end, not leaving a spot untouched. The sound of rolls hitting the concrete and whispers of conversation dominates the night. The panic of car lights often caused unlucky ones to get a mouthful of sand and a body covered in poison ivy. Phones were lost and memories were made. A night we wont forget. One that we will carry and one day share with kids of our own. The night before our first day of senior year. Class of twenty-sixteen: legendary.

The author's comments:

My name is Lourdes. I live in the small town of Petal, Mississippi where I am a high school senior. I wrote about this personal experience becuase it's one that I value as a special memory. I hope that all students get the opportunity to have experiences like this one with their class. One that you can consider legendary to your town.  

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