Best Food | Teen Ink

Best Food

November 2, 2015
By bob018 BRONZE, Blah, Florida
bob018 BRONZE, Blah, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The best food contains all natural ingredients, and two scoops of raisins as its trademark, and changed the world of healthy foods. You guessed it, Raisin Bran is the best food. It is because it is not only healthy, but delicious along the way. It contains very low sugar and many more healthy ingredients. Some people just think of it as just cereal but its great food that everyone loves.


Raisin bran was first  developed in 1926 and was infamously known for having two scoops of raisins in a package. The cereal was first being developed by U.S. mills and was still a savory breakfast meal. However, 20 years later Kellogg's had adapted their recipe to their own and given it their two scoops trademark. At the time its popularity had not been as high as now because it was a different type of cereal then from cheerios as of the 1940s.
The cereal company's were very much affected by the over growing popularity of the Raisin Brand cereal. Ever since the release of the cereal it has been affecting the cereal game. With that I think that this will be a cereal to remember and has and always will be a wonderful food.

This is the best food because of the modernization innovation revolution, and this is one product that has fit these descriptions perfectly for decades, and many more to come. I don’t know about you but I am ready to have a bowl of this wonderful breakfast necessity.

The author's comments:

This was a food that I saw as a healthy breakfast food.

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