Sacramento My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento My Home

December 8, 2015
By madeline_13 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
madeline_13 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family and I live in a house about the size of the white house. Just instead of white it’s beige and a medium purple. All my neighbors are super nice even on there bad days. Houses are always clean you’ll never see a tiny piece of trash in your neighborhood.And lawns are super green people think its fake grass. Tons of people come to Sacramento to live here and visit here with their friends or their family.


Honestly what I just said is a big ass lie. I live in a normal size house. And every house in Sacramento has garbage either in the front or in the backyard. Approximately twenty houses away from my house is a house with a fence made out of wooden boards and with three pitbulls guarding the house. In that house crystal meth is made and sold. And just three houses away from this house are two houses with signs kind of all over their houses with signs that say “smile you’re on camera”. you may ask yourself why? It’s because gang members have shot at their houses. Just another day in the neighborhood.

Sacramento is like any other city. Every city has drug problems litter problems and so on. Our main problem is our drought. It makes everyone mad because “rich” people are taking advantage of the situation using water when their not supposed to. And another problem is that terrorist are striking this city killing so many innocent people's lives are taken. And you know what’s funny is that the governor make videos of Sacramento and he doesn't show the reality. Which kind of makes me mad because people are here suffering and he makes Sacramento a fun place to be in and live in.

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