Basically Life | Teen Ink

Basically Life

December 10, 2015
By love.kaneki2502 BRONZE, Wylie, Texas
love.kaneki2502 BRONZE, Wylie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

As I sit and stare into space trying to ignore my so-called "friends" flirting with each other during Theatre, I let my mind wander. It will wander to icicles hanging on rooves on a white Christmas day, it will wander to my grandma before she passed from brain cancer. But the worst thing it wanders to is what would happen if I fell down and died.


This often happens to me. I'm not suicidal, before you ask. My mind is simply insane. 


I like to think this sometimes, when I'm in a bad mood...which is quite often. I think of my beautiful best friends, A and S. They wouldn't want to live anymore. All the stupid things we've done since we were four, prank calling Starbucks and asking for Alex (from Target), watching Carrie and The Notebook while stuffing our faces with chocolate cake and Twinkies, spamming people on our e-mail list and Instagram.




It can all just vanish in an instant.


And I don't want that. What if A or S died? What would I do then? 


Life. It's crazy. But yet, here we are. Life-ing. Putting up with people and then breaking down in tears over the phone on how you hate it. Dealing with incredibly annoying siblings and Spanish teachers. 


Life. We all have to deal with it and it can all be taken from us in a flash. So stay smiling. Live.



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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 25 2015 at 9:18 pm
love.kaneki2502 BRONZE, Wylie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is my first article so I hope y'all like it.