The Disaster Storm | Teen Ink

The Disaster Storm

December 17, 2015
By BodeD BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
BodeD BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cool fall day, my brother Cohen and I just got off the bus we started walking down the dirt driveway in our yard when we saw it-the storm made a tree fall right on to the pontoon boat in our yard. It was a  medium size, dead tree that my dad keeps saying he wants to cut down but it would be to much of a mess fell right on to the console and seat of my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s bennington pontoon boat. That day I learned that you can never underestimate nature. It changed me by showing me what kind of big damage a small storm can do to something that large. The strong plastic windshield that sits on the driving console was completely smashed by the tree: there were shards of broken plastic everywhere. The bracket that holds the console on to the frame broke up through the fiberglass on the console. The cover ripped and the pole that holds the cover up so water doesn't stay on the cover smashed through and made a hole in the cover.
We ran over to the boat. I started to grin. When my dad was younger his boat was in my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s yard got hit by a tree and; that boat was totaled. We ran over and started to take the front part of the cover off. We started to throw the smaller branches that broke off of the trunk of the tree off of the cover.
“Cohen run up to the house and get Mom and tell her what happened”. I howled
I took a picture and sent it to my dad. He added ”Really”
I nodded ”Yea I know right the covers ripped, the windshield is smashed, and the console bolts smashed through the top of the console”.
When my brother informed my Mom that the boat got hit by a tree, she laughed ”Yea I'm sure it did”
He yelled “ Yea it did, come outside I'll show you”
My brother came running out the door and my dogs Moki and Tabber came running out with him. My Mom opened the door and then just started to get mad as she walked down to the boat.
My Mom muttered “don’t touch anything, leave it exactly like it was”
She called my Grandma and informed her on what happened. When my Grandma addressed my Grandpa he thought it was there old aluminum boat and he didn’t care. But when she babbled to him that it was the new boat he was upset. My Grandma called the insurance company and they promised they will get it in as soon as possible and start to fix it...
It sat in our backyard with a ripped cover over it letting water in, it sat throughout the rain and cold for two weeks before it went in to get fixed. It sat in the parking lot at haul’s (where they bought it from) for another week before it even went inside to get fixed. It’s fixed now after three weeks, but it didn't go into storage until another week after it was fixed. Its is now in storage until we drive to the storage place and get it to haul it up to hardy for next summer. I know now what Big damage nature can do to something.

The author's comments:

 This was an experience that happened in the fall of 2015.

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