The Old Past, and New Beginnings | Teen Ink

The Old Past, and New Beginnings

January 7, 2016
By mathkid12 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
mathkid12 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

And thus, another year comes upon us. So unexpectedly and suprisingly.It seems as if last year was a blur but, when looking back, there is so much more. From the spring, to the summer, to the fall, and now, to winter. It seems it can be described so easily, yet it is hard to actually do. There were many events that cannot be condenced into a small summary. Natural disasters, Day-to-day activities, Holidays. It's all apart of the year we have just seemingly meandered through. Whether the event be small or large, somethings you can and can't remember. There are new experiences to look forwards to in the coming years. So watch out, as next year draws closer than one might think.

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