How High School Really Is: Winter Formal | Teen Ink

How High School Really Is: Winter Formal

January 20, 2016
By Anoynmous-A BRONZE, Paton, Iowa
Anoynmous-A BRONZE, Paton, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Right now it's a big topic at our school. Everyone is already paired up. I honestly don't know if im gonna go or not. The guy who was supposed to go with me blew me off, for some other girl named Sydney. What's weird is she knows I really really like this guy. And she just ruined everything just like that. Not that I blame her for any of this but he should've told me. Now I have no date. I mean it's not that I really need one but, it's always good to have someone there fo you, right?


Now everybody thinks I am jealous. I am a little bit. I mean that guy was my first crush. Over the year's I guess it was his delicate touch and charm that kept me in love with him. I tied to get him to be 'mine' but that's not going to happen now. Skinny vs. A Big Girl, and skinny always wins in the world we live in today revolves around body image. 

Sometimes, i wish I could change, and to tell you the truth, I am tying my best. 

SInce I was a little girl I had this deam of going to A School Dance and getting swept off my feet into somebody's ams. I'm broken. Apart and ton with what to do?

The author's comments:

Just A Typical (9th Grade Girl )))

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