Car Fire | Teen Ink

Car Fire

March 2, 2016
By fantastichannah BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
fantastichannah BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It was the night of my fourth grade patriotic program. My mom, my sister and I were going to Bridgeport to pick up my grandma. We would drive home, eat dinner, and I would get into my costume. For a few months, my class was writing speeches, memorizing them and learning song lyrics. I was excited, and terrified for the prefomance that night and I was really eager to see my grandma. We were headed to pick up grandma, but the car was malfunctioning.

We were going up a slightly, steep hill and our car was slowing down. The front of the car was smoking. Cars around us were honking and passing us. My mom’s car, couldn’t go any farther, and my mom pulled over to the side on the freeway.

When the car’s smoke got heavier and thicker my sister, Clair insisted that we get out. Clair and I hopped out with our giant backpacks just outside the car. My mom thought it would be safer to stay in the car so we hopped back in. A truck pulled over behind us, he told us the car engine was on fire, and he called 911. We immedeately got out of the car, Clair and I climbed over the cement blocker and ran up a hill on the side of the freeway, to the fence. The hill was really steep and dirty, I tripped, and fell many times. I was so scared and was crying. My mom was talking to the man who called 911. A fire truck came with two hoses, and four men. The firemen took the hoses and sprayed the car many times. A policeman talked to my mom and called a tow truck to take away our car. It was freaky and scary, my sister and I were worried. I was worried that I wouldn’t make my proformence on time, and worried about my grandma all alone in Bridgeport. We waited there for about and hour for my dad to pick us up.

Later, my dad came and we got in the car and drove to Bridgeport to get my grandma and get dinner. We picked up my grandma who was waiting there for an hour or more and went to dinner. We told my Grandma what happened, and headed of to my school. My family and I did not have time to get fully into my costume, but luckily I was wearing most of my costume to school.

If the man had not called  911 the car would of not just smoked, but it would of burst into flames. I had a fun night at my fourth grade patriotic program, but I will always remember when my car started smoking and we waited on the side of the freeway. I learned to be brave even when something scary happens.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 19 2016 at 1:14 pm
fantastichannah BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Good Job! Looks Great!!