Gay Best Friend | Teen Ink

Gay Best Friend

March 11, 2016
By Kiana__ BRONZE, Kirkland, Washington
Kiana__ BRONZE, Kirkland, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Music is what feelings sound like"

High school. Where everyone is supposed to enjoy their [maybe] last 4 years together. Unless you’re me of course, where you leave your all of the people you know behind to go to a STEM high school. Some don’t think it’s that big of a deal; I’m still in the same school district as everyone, I still live near everyone, so why am I so worried about attending a new school?

You would expect me to be worried because I’m starting a new school and that can be scary, or the fact I had no idea a STEM school existed in the first place. No, though, because if those were my reasons I would be selfish. I am think about him, my GBF [gay best friend] it’s the name we both agreed on after watching the movie on Netflix.

Before freshman year, he didn’t come out to anyone, but me. I was his first and I understand that may have been hard for him, therefore, I’m honored. I did the best in my power and beyond to protect him since the 7th grade. But the realization overtook me that I was leaving him to fight for himself in the place where he may need the most protecting.

I remember the time someone called you a gross f----t. I remember when you were scared about those around us knowing about you. I remember when you were mad at others for not understanding how someone else came out. I remember how you felt every time you tried to tell your Mum. That’s just the thing, I remember and because of that I didn’t want to leave you. But I did…

The school year started and I couldn’t stop thinking about your transformation, you died your hair and changed your whole wardrobe. You would talk about non-stop of how excited you were to start freshman year with everyone. How your goal was to find others you came out so you could too. Why was I scared, because you know my story and everything I’ve been through and I know the world can be a cruel place, including school.

I was so used to protecting you, I guess I didn’t realize you didn’t need protecting anymore. Now you are going to TOLO with someone I introduced you to, who goes to STEM. You’ve come out to almost everyone and anyone who asks you, the truth is told by you. Your life is at an incline, a positive one and you’re rising. I guess I was protecting you so much because I didn’t have anyone to protect me….

The author's comments:

After everything in my life that's happened, you're the one I can always count on.

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