Long Sleepless Nights | Teen Ink

Long Sleepless Nights

April 15, 2016
By cariann BRONZE, Van Wert, Ohio
cariann BRONZE, Van Wert, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failure has many masks

Hey this story is about my sleepless nights away from my dad. When I get in bed tonight I will bet you that he’ll be the one on my mind. He’s the first one I think about when I wake up and the last one I think about when I go to sleep. He gave me peace when he was still alive till April 3rd.  You’re probably asking yourself what’s the significance of April 3rd well the answer is that’s the day that my hero left me. We had so many good time but I miss him too much. I honestly wish I could just bring him back and tell him 1 last time how much I love him and promise him that everything will be alright but I know I can’t. It’s so hard to lose a parent there is nothing that anyone can say to make it feel better. He was a person I could talk to he was so smart and I didn’t see that. He loved me so much and I was to blind and to stubborn to see it. You will never know how hard it is to lose a parent or someone you love till it actually happens. It really teaches you to cherish and treasure the people around you and the people you care about most. I think I’m taking his passing worse that I could be I was a half hour late to see my dad and I never got to say my goodbyes. When I went into his room I fell right by his bed and held his hand that was where I messed up I still felt the warmth of him still being alive. Daddy if you are still here and can read what I’m saying daddy I love you and I miss you more than ever because I can’t live without you. You died way too early and it’s not right. I know you were in so much pain so I forgive you but I love you to death and no one can over place you or love me the way you did. I really wished you could have made it to the day I see homecoming and prom. I’m really going to miss the days I go down and take pictures with you for that stuff. I really wish you could have been here for when I get married I really want to see you in a tux I have pictures at moms and you’re in a tux and you look really nice. DADDY I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU LIKE REALLY BAD.

I dedicate this writing to my Dad

The author's comments:

My Dad passed away April 3rd of 2016

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This article has 1 comment.

BookDiva12 said...
on Apr. 27 2016 at 8:26 am
What a touching tribute to your father. I am certain he is watching down on you and is very proud of you. I have not had to lose a parent yet, but I can only imagine the pain and loss that you are suffering. I will be praying for peace and healing for you!